As a born-in JW, who initially was backed into the disassociation corner, and then backed into the disfellowshipping corner, I am fully aware of the "choices" and "consequences" of life.
Those were some unfair "choices" for a 13-to-15-year-old to make.
Generalizing disassociating from the JWs as a "militant" act may be accurate in some, but not all cases.
I think the problem that people are having with your approach is that you are generalizing and pontificating as if every case and instance were the same, and they are not, and it is a de-humanizing thing to do and say about people who have come to this board for support and/or friendship.
People who are smarting from a burn or blow they already knew was coming don't need to hear,"you made me do it . . . if only you had or hadn't done this or that, I would not have smacked you down." They need to hear,"it won't happen again, at least not here, and not with me." Somehow, I can't hear that in words like:
"until the society changes the way they deal with DF’ed and DA’ed ones we all have to understand the sort of treatment that we will receive if we make the choice to leave." Where is support, empathy, friendship or love in those words?
There is no one here who has not been smacked down by the Watchtower Clowns, even their biggest apologists, so there is no need to tell those of us who have already been smacked down -- AND who've pretty much gotten up and brushed off our knees and decided to share our stories and help someone else or ourselves sort out our feelings -- to get over it or take it like a man. It shows contempt for the pain of others to do so.